Landlord (Dwelling) Insurance
Do you rent out a property? If so, have you made sure you have a landlord policy? Let's talk about why it's so important to make sure you have adequate coverage on a rental property.
First things first, like a homeowners policy you'll want to make sure you have liability insurance. This will cover you in the event a tenant or guest is injured on the property due to maintenance issues and tries to sue.
The second coverage you'll want is for Property Damage . This will cover the costs to replace the dwelling and/or furniture if there is a(n):
natural disaster
damage from irresponsible tenants
Finally, you'll want to think ahead. What happens if the property becomes uninhabitable for a period of time. You may be missing out on rental income. Rental Income Protection may be able to cover the cost of the income you'd receive if a renter were occupying the property.